Streetcar in downtown San Francisco with motion blur

One of the many classic streetcars in downtown San Francisco

Mrs Moses Tours began life as a courtesy to Automotive Journalists coming to the San Francisco Bay Area needing assistance in all kinds of area’s such as meetings, transportation, routes & event planning & production. Our URL,, was derived from a tongue-in-cheek thought: “Moses! We are lost again. I told you two months ago that we needed to take a left! You don’t look at the maps!” That, of course, was from a rather less-than-pleased Mrs Moses. That was some twenty years ago. Since then, we are still making connections & memories for journalists & friends and as well as select clients who have an interest in low-profile, professionally guided tours and/or event planning in the greater San Francisco Bay Area and up & down California. We also coordinate exotic vehicle receiving, rentals & routes. Thank you, we will of course use maps….